Transformational Leadership
Finding balance between leadership and management to promote a positive work culture
Transformational Leadership
Finding balance between leadership and management to promote a positive work culture
These days it is popular to say that an effective organisation is either “all about leadership” or “all about management”. Leadership is simply about working with people to help them get stuff done.Management is the getting it done as well as making sure that it is completed. Both of these statements are valid, but by focusing on only one aspect you can end up with a culture that excludes others: - Leaders exclude managers- Managers exclude leaders, peers and colleagues- Colleagues exclude each other Ultimately, the organisation excludes its customers or society creating a toxic culture of disharmony.
Question: How do you treat others? Answer: There are no others.
In any organisation how you deal with people as a leader can profoundly influence culture. People are the levers making stuff happen, whereas management is more about strategy and working with things to get stuff done. They go hand in glove, so as élan we take not an either/or approach, but one of inclusiveness which takes into account the whole system and all those who work in it. Promoting a strong work culture An organisation is seen as having a strong work culture when the employees follow the rules and regulations. However, we say that when the structure becomes too strict and requires everyone to slavishly adhere to it, that means that the organisation has a weak culture. A strong culture is a respectful culture where leadership encourages employees to contribute effectively and collaboratively in close coordination. A work frame is not imposed on colleagues and employees, instead, they are supported to pursue their interest and specialisation in order to reach the organisation’s goals. Moreover, leaders are encouraged to give a sense of direction to employees while also trusting that the individual knows what needs to be done. Finally, everyone’s contribution is acknowledged and appreciated. élan transforms your organisation’s culture élan gets to grips with the issues that divide and disrupt your organisation and everyone that works in it. Through collaboration with the programme’s participants, we set to work exploring the beliefs, thought processes, attitudes, and behaviours that exist in your organisation to understand the way it functions. We then support the participants to develop a set of principles which work for everybody. Once these principles have been established, we further work with leadership to cascade them throughout the organisation ensuring that everyone benefits from the outcomes of the programme. The Transformational Leadership programme is delivered through: - A modular programme involving face-to-face workshops- Follow-up coaching in group or individual sessions- A virtual toolkit to support continuous learning élan has delivered our Transformational Leadership programme to some of the world’s largest organisations. Every one of our clients has a different set of needs so we develop customised, unique programmes for each client that deliver on results.
A Liberating Experience
A Liberating Experience
Examples of our one-to-many coaching sessions and programmes include: Agora sessions – working in the round and your leaders nominate people to work with and be trained by our facilitators to deliver the material to their colleagues (in collaboration with our team)Giving and receiving real time feedback from colleagues and élan facilitators. Instant playback - drawing on skills of artists to record the story of the culture as it evolves Team coaching - we curate modules to make the best use of the time that you and your team will spend away from the office. Our intent is to hear from the quietest voice in the room and as well as receiving views from everyone so that the understanding and engagement with the learning is available for everyone.
Flourish Today
Employee Resilience & Wellbeing
Flourish Today
Employee Resilience & Wellbeing
By participating in a Flourish programme, we can increase resilience, improve health and equip employees with the right tools to take responsibility for their wellbeing in the workplace.
The aim of Flourish Today is to help organisations confidently create happy work spaces that employees love and look forward to coming to! Flourish comprises of three experiential modules based on the latest neuroscience and best practice for employee wellbeing. Most people grow up thinking they need to have the things they want so that they can do what they love, in order to be happy. Experience, research and practice tells us something quite different; if you can find the inner resources to be happy, you will automatically start to do what you love, which will lead to you having the things you want in life.
By participating in a Flourish programme, we can increase resilience, improve health and equip employees with the right tools to take responsibility for their wellbeing in the workplace.
The aim of Flourish Today is to help organisations confidently create happy work spaces that employees love and look forward to coming to! Flourish comprises of three experiential modules based on the latest neuroscience and best practice for employee wellbeing. Most people grow up thinking they need to have the things they want so that they can do what they love, in order to be happy. Experience, research and practice tells us something quite different; if you can find the inner resources to be happy, you will automatically start to do what you love, which will lead to you having the things you want in life.
But how does one cultivate the inner resources for happiness when life is often stressful? Aristotle said that in order to be happy, one needs purpose, vitality and spirituality which is completely in line with the latest neuroscience research findings. The three main modules of Flourish Today include:
The fundamentals of wellbeing and resilience. This module covers the theory and practice of how to maintain wellbeing in the workplace.This includes learning the key skills of mindfulness, inner dialogue, emotional intelligence and relationship skills to positively influence colleagues and clients to achieve powerful results.
Finding the purpose and meaning in work and life. This module is all about designing your life with flow and ease. Participants will learn design thinking, mind mapping techniques, and how to create the optimum work / life balance that will bring meaningful flow to the day, helping them achieve long term goals.
Accomplish & Nourish
What if you had a set of practice tools that enhanced your performance, enriched your presentations and supported your health and longevity? Accomplish and Nourish are a set of practices that really help to make things easier, getting into action and producing results. These smaller modules teach exciting and inspiring ways to practically implement what was learnt in the Breathe and Flow modules. This allows participants to create accountability systems that will ensure their life design and wellbeing practices are embedded. From managing workflow and reducing emails, to choosing one’s contribution and role, this module will identify the specific needs of the individual and help create sustainable solutions. Participants will learn new methods to create ease in work and life. Leaders will learn to use “conversation tools” deliver one-hour sessions to their colleague that embed material from the group learning sessions. Vitality is developed and nourished through material from our “Body-Wise" module which delivers a fresh, fun and immensely practical approach to moving and performing with confidence and ease. Over time, it is very common for us to settle for a slightly wonky version or "map" of ourselves. An inner GPS that no longer quite fits with our exquisite natural design. This can so easily sit beneath the radar of awareness. At best this leads to a loss of freedom and flow, at worst, pain and tension from asking the body to work against itself. We aim to support you to reorganise your movement, balance, gesture and poise in alignment with an inner GPS "upgrade". Surprise and joy are a given when seemingly small pieces of accurate information are brought to light, producing unexpected and magical results. "When your nose runs and your feet smell, you know you've been built upside down!" (Einstein)
By taking part in the Flourish programme, employees will be able to:
Better manage their emotions.
Better communicate with flexibility and influence.
Achieve a more positive mindset that will drive delivery of what most counts
Become more aware of what neuro-scientists are saying about wellbeing
...and much more!
By taking part in the Flourish programme, employees will be able to:
Better manage their emotions.
Better communicate with flexibility and influence.
Achieve a more positive mindset that will drive delivery of what most counts
Become more aware of what neuro-scientists are saying about wellbeing
...and much more!